Feb. 14, 2019: Earth has a message for people who remember

Earth will speak.  Earth has not spoken in this way for a long time.  Earth understands that many people who hear what Earth is saying will not be aware of what has happened in the meantime.  Earth has been having a meeting every two weeks with people from around the world.  Earth has these meetings at the exact New Moon and at the exact Full Moon.  Earth hopes that people who are interested in the thought of aligning with Earth will listen when Earth has these meetings with people who are considering what is the situation in the world and how can people who care do something to improve things.

Earth hopes that people who listen will realize that some people are leaders in the countries that the United States of America does not have friendship with.  This is something that Earth is not concerned about, but Earth recognizes that leaders in the United States of America may be nervous talking in a group where people who are not respected in the United States of America are given good respect.

Earth hopes that, if John Human continues in the way he is doing, people will be more aware that Earth exists, people will be more able to speak openly of Earth’s existence, and people will have the ability to think of Earth’s purpose.  Earth will restate its purpose, because this is something that people are inclined to forget.  Earth needs humans to go to other planets and come back.  Earth understands that this is something that makes some people feel very uncomfortable.  Earth hopes that people will begin to become more comfortable with this need.  Earth understands that for humans to work toward this need will lead humans to solve other problems that help people co-exist and survive.  This is all that Earth will say.

Jan. 29, 2018: What is important to Earth


Earth will speak.  Earth wants people to think about what is important to Earth.  Earth hopes that people understand that Earth wants humans to go to other planets and come back.  Earth believes that, if people do not seriously think about going to other planets and coming back, then people are not going to be helpful.  People are going to say things about Earth without being serious about what Earth really wants.  People say things about loving Mother Earth.  This is not serious unless people are talking about going to other planets and coming back.

Earth hopes that people will be able to talk about going to other planets and coming back.  Earth understands that many people are not willing to do this.  Earth has tried to understand why.  Earth has the idea that, in previous years, there was an attempt to make people distrust technology.  This makes people unwilling to want to go to other planets, because this requires technology.  Earth hopes that people will start to think about developing technology to help humans.

Earth wants this to happen.  Earth does not believe that not using technology is preferable.  Earth believes that humans need to develop technology.  Humans need to have the ability to use Earth’s resources in ways that humans can… [pause] resolve problems.  Humans can resolve problems facing humans, if humans work together with the resources that humans have in Earth.  Earth hopes that humans will not resist the natural way for humans to resolve problems facing humans.

Earth has a sense that people do not want to work together.  Earth has a sense that humans have a resistance to taking seriously the problems that are facing human existence.  Earth needs humans to have a serious sense that humans must cooperate because there is a terrible problem facing humans.

Earth understands that this must happen before humans begin to work together.  Earth intends to increase the number of earthquakes and volcanoes.  This will become very clear in about half a year.  Earth does not want to kill many humans.  But this must happen for humans to get into better balance with Earth, and to have the possibility for humans to begin working together to solve the problems that humans must solve to not destroy the possibility of humans going to other planets and going back.

Dec. 15, 2017: “Evil” spirits and human development

(John recorded this yesterday, Dec. 14.)

Earth is speaking.  Earth would like to talk about something that recently happened, that made Earth aware for the first time of a situation that has affected humans for many thousands of years.  Earth believes that humans have an idea of evil being influenced by a powerful spirit and the spirit’s servants.  Earth has discovered that there have indeed been powerful spirits that have motivated humans to act in ways which are not good for humans.  Earth believes that this is different from religion.  This is just spirits acting for selfish reasons, acting in ways that harm humans.

These spirits have the goal of preventing humans from developing.  These spirits do not want humans to go to other planets and come back.  For many thousands of years, these spirits have been trying to affect human development, to make sure that development goes in a direction that does not include the possibility of humans going to other planets and coming back.  Earth believes that, because this has happened, human civilization has developed in a way that includes bad thinking and bad principles.  Earth believes that, because of this, there is a danger that humans will not be able to go to other planets and come back, because humans are not well-organized to do what is necessary.  Humans need to cooperate.  Humans need to be concerned about the well-being of society as a whole.  Spirits who have affected the development of humans have discouraged this kind of thinking.

Earth believes that, because of this, there is a need for humans to be aware of what has happened, and what needs to happen now.  Very recently, John Human encountered these spirits and managed to ensure that many of these spirits will no longer bother humans.  Earth believes that, because this has happened, there will no longer be a strong negative influence on human development.  However, many humans have bad habits, and many humans have learned bad ways of thinking, so the results of earlier bad influence from the spirits will still be with humans for quite some time.  However, it is now possible for humans to begin to grow beyond this old way of thinking that is against human development.  Earth hopes that this becomes a new type of thinking.  There is a new potential for humans, because these spirits have been defeated.  They no longer have the ability to act on humans.  They have given up the struggle.

Earth believes that, at another time, it may be good to talk about why the spirits did this.  But for now, Earth will simply say, the spirits are no longer active, and Earth hopes that humans will be able to begin to organize in ways that will help humans go to other planets and come back.  This all that Earth will say.

Nov. 5, 2017: Moon talks about Moon’s relationship to Earth, about China and the USA, and about aliens living under the surface of the Moon

(I recorded this message yesterday afternoon, as I walked up a ravine near Reno, Nevada.)

Moon is speaking.  Moon is with John Human.  Moon understands that Earth has just given a message, talking about how Earth came to Earth.  Moon believes that some people who hear and read this message will already know that Moon came to the Moon to help Earth.  Moon was…attached, merged… with the moon of another planet, far away, long ago.  There was a group of human-like beings on the planet.  There was a spirit, merged with the planet, trying to help these human-like beings achieve the ability to leave their planet and travel to other planets.

This effort failed.  Moon believes that, because of Moon’s experience in trying to help the spirit who was unable to help the human-like beings, Moon may be able to help Earth help humans go to other planets and come back.  Moon remembers the consequences of the failure.  The human-like beings ended up losing their ability to maintain advanced technology.  They fought among themselves and did not have enough resources to continue living as they had been living.  Moon imagines that renmants of this society of human-like beings are still on the planet, living at a very low level.   This is the likely future for humans on Earth, unless humans learn to cooperate under Earth’s guidance, with Moon’s assistance.

Moon will speak about how Moon came to the Moon.  After the failure of the previous effort to bring out the human-like beings into the community of beings, Moon was not inclined to try again.  However, Moon was persuaded, because it was remembered that Moon had given specific advice at specific moments, that was not followed by the sprit who was in charge of helping the human-like beings; Moon imagines that if Moon’s advice had been heeded, there would have been success instead of failure.  However, Moon cannot be sure.  Moon believes that Moon has a clear understanding of the challenges faced by a spirit, and by the beings themselves, as the spirit attempts to establish cooperation with the beings, to enable them to begin leaving their own planet.

Moon wants Earth to be able to think clearly about the situation among humans.  Moon understands that Earth is losing its abilities to sense what is happening among humans and to sense what is happening on and around Earth, because of human activity that is damaging the Earth.

Moon would like to have a clear understanding that Moon is not making decisions.  Moon is only helping Earth.  Moon can see clearly, where Earth cannot.  Moon has the ability to understand the motives of humans.  Earth’s ability to do this is limited now, and Earth depends on Moon to help Earth clearly assess what humans intend when humans communicate with Earth.

For this reason, Earth is reluctant to communicate directly with humans, until Moon has assessed their intentions.  Moon intends to do this.  Moon understands that Earth has been inclined to focus on China as the nation on the planet Earth that is most advanced ability to focus politically on moving away from Earth and returning.  Moon understands that China has a plan to go back to the Moon, for humans to go back to the Moon.  Earth is inclined to encourage China to do this, but Earth is aware of the serious pollution problems in China that are harming Earth, especially in Earth’s ability to communicate clearly with humans.

Earth also understands that China has been a victim in the past, of aggression from other countries, and this is a big part why China must act as it does to develop economically.  Earth believes that the leadership of China is clearly aware of this problem, and Moon understands that Earth seeks cooperation with the leadership of China as China continues to emerge as a well-respected country in the world.


Moon understands that the issues between different countries on Planet Earth are complicated, and are beyond the clear understanding of Earth and Moon.  For this reason, Earth and Moon must depend on humans to help explain what is happening and why.  Then, as Earth and Moon establish communication with leaders in different countries, Earth and Moon will have a clearer sense of what is happening and what is the background of the thinking and motivations of various leaders.  Moon intends to help Earth do this as time goes by, and Moon understands that, as it becomes known that some leaders are inclined to consider Earth’s message, other leaders will become more interested in communicating with Earth.  At that time, Moon will once again be involved in assessing the motivations of the leaders of the countries in question.

Moon believes that Moon cannot explain clearly what its intention is without giving some background regarding Moon’s interaction with humans.  Moon came to the Moon 13,000 years ago.  Moon was finally persuaded to do this.  Moon knew that this would be a risky assignment, that failure again was a significant possibility.  Moon wanted to avoid this risk, but Moon also knew that, because of Moon’s experience, there was a greater chance of success this time, so Moon accepted the assignment and merged with the Moon, with the physical Moon.

Moon is aware that there are aliens living on the Moon.  The aliens have been under the surface of the Moon for several thousand years.  Moon is aware that leaders in the United States are also aware of this.  Moon’s understanding is that the  destruction of the alien city at the South Pole of the Moon — if Moon understands North and South correctly — was not an accident.  Moon understands that there were those involved in the planning of the American mission to send a spacecraft into a crater at the Moon’s pole; there was an understanding that there was a city there that would be harmed.  Moon does not have a clear idea whether those involved in that decision are still in power today.  Moon does not know if that decision was made at the highest level of power in the United States.

However, Moon is aware that the aliens just beneath the surface of the Moon have been greatly harmed, and Moon believes that this is something that must be known and must be accounted for.  Moon hopes that it is possible to repair the harm that has been done, and Moon hopes that citizens in the United States will ask questions involving who made what decision regarding that mission to the Moon.  Moon wanted to be clear that Moon is not trying to punish.  Moon is trying to get leaders of the Earth to cooperate with Earth.  This is Moon’s function.   However, regarding things that happen on the Moon, this is an issue where Moon must speak.  This is all that Moon will say now.

Nov. 4, 2017: What Earth is, the beginning of human civilization, and John as Earth’s messenger

Earth is speaking.  Earth told John Human that Earth would talk about Earth’s experience as a spirit merged with the planet Earth.  Earth understands that humans believe that humans have souls, and the soul and the body are merged together.  Earth is merged with the planet Earth as the body of Earth.  Earth believes that this is somewhat different from human experience, but it is close enough for humans to understand.  Earth expects that humans will not believe that Earth exists, unless Earth demonstrates that Earth has abilities.  Earth understands that humans will not accept John Human’s word as evidence for Earth’s existence.  Earth also believes that, eventually, John Human will be accepted as speaking Earth’s words.  Earth understands that because John Human has not been active in political events, there will be very little chance for John Human to influence decision making in governments.  Earth wants John Human to be able to have a voice that will be heard by decision makers.  Earth wants this to happen very soon, but Earth understands that this may not happen soon.  Earth hopes that John Human will not have any problem working with others who want to share the message that Earth wants to share.  Earth believes that, because of the situation, Earth must give an explanation of who it is and what it has been doing.  Earth understands that giving this type of explanation will help humans understand and accept that Earth is able to help humans and Earth intends to be a partner with humans as humans develop and go to other planets and come back.

Earth hopes that humans will accept Earth as a partner of humans, but Earth does not know if humans will accept Earth as a human partner.  Earth understands that because humans are reluctant to accept the existence of Earth, there will potentially be a very serious problem.  Earth wants humans to be able to understand where Earth came from.  Earth is a spirit.  Earth does not have a physical body.  Earth wants humans to think of spirits as being immortal but capable of being killed.  Spirits have intentions and goals.  Spirits cooperate and sometimes spirits oppose each other.  Spirits do not have the intention all the time.  Earth did not have the intention of becoming Earth, when Earth was a younger spirit.  Earth was cooperating with another spirit in another area that is difficult to explain.  Then Earth was given the opportunity to merge with a planet.  This opportunity arose because there was life on the planet that had the possibility of developing in a way that would allow life forms on the planet to communicate with life forms elsewhere in the universe.  When this happens, this is something that is very important, and spirits try to help this happen to ensure that life in the universe continues to develop.

Earth was chosen to be the spirit that merged with the planet Earth, with the hope that the life forms on planet Earth – humans – would develop and move out from Earth to other planets.  Earth has been on the planet Earth for 17,000 years.  When Earth first arrived and became one with the planet Earth, Earth was not able to work with humans.  Humans did not recognize the existence of Earth.  Humans did not have any way of hearing Earth, and Earth’s attempts to communicate with humans were not successful.

Earth eventually developed a way of sharing impressions with humans.  Impressions appeared in the minds of humans.  These impressions were not recognized as communication.  Earth thought that, eventually, some humans might be able to develop an understanding that that the impressions were actually a communication from Earth.  However, this did not happen.  Earth was able to influence humans into developing in particular ways, especially considering the use of tools.  Earth was able to guide humans in ways that helped humans begin to develop technology.  Earth wanted humans to develop so that humans would be able to go to other planets and come back.  Earth knew that this would take many, many centuries, and Earth was prepared to patiently work, helping humans to develop.

Humans developed in different ways in different areas.  Earth understood that, with humans in separate areas, there would be opportunities for different groups of humans to develop useful technology that was not known to other groups.  Earth was pleased with this development, with separate human development centers, especially in what is now China, and also what is now India.  Earth knew that these two areas were close enough to have communication but far enough away to have separate ways of doing things.

Earth also knew that there was a culture in what is called the Middle East, and also in Egypt.  Earth knew that these areas would not have a good chance of developing unless they received information from India.  Earth believed that the Indian area was the fundamental area for human culture.  However, India failed to continue developing.  The humans in that area did not develop a language that was written down until far after language – writing – was developed in the other areas.  For this reason, the contribution of the Indian area is neglected by humans.  Humans do not realize how fundamental India is for human culture.  However, sometimes humans think of India as being a source of spiritual wisdom, and Earth understands that within India are many useful ideas for spiritual development of humans.

However, this is something that is not widely recognized today, except among Indians and among a few westerners who have an inclination to attune themselves with Indian spirituality.  Earth hopes that this will spread and Indian spirituality will be seen as a form of spiritual technology.  This is something that Earth has heard humans say, and Earth accepts and embraces this thought.

Earth wants humans to be aware that Earth is not a god.  Earth is not a goddess.  Earth is a spirit with a physical… manifestation?  Body?  Earth is not quite sure how to describe the physical Earth in relation to Earth, but it is similar to the human body.  Earth wants humans to be able to not worry about Earth’s nature.  Earth is a being that has certain powers, that wants to help humans go to other planets and come back.  If humans can simply accept that and accept that Earth wants to be a partner of humans, this is all that needs to be understood.

However, Earth understands that humans are naturally curious, and humans will want to know more about Earth and about Earth’s interactions with humans.  Earth believes that John Human is able to present Earth’s ideas and Earth’s expression of who Earth is without too much trouble.  Earth understands that John has ideas of his own that are in general compatible with Earth.  However, Earth expects that, from time to time, there will be disagreements between Earth and John.  Earth and John have agreed that John will be very careful to separate his own ideas from Earth’s and, that if Earth and John have a disagreement, John will not promote his own ideas as if they were Earth’s.  This is something that Earth thinks is very important for everyone to understand.  Earth wants people to trust John to represent Earth’s meaning clearly.  Earth hopes that people will not suspect that John is simply making up Earth to promote John’s own ideas.

Earth wants humans to have an idea that there will not be any future unless Earth helps humans.  At this point, humans are on a course to self-destruction.  Earth understands that many humans have this idea.  However, awareness of this is not part of decision making among political leaders, and Earth believes that this is something that must change as soon as possible.   For this reason, Earth wants John to help Earth share Earth’s message with others.  Earth does not have a particular need for John to be the messenger.  John simply appeared at the right time when Earth was discouraged because Earth had attempted to cooperate with others to help humans move in the right direction for survival, and to move to other planets and come back.

Now John has undertaken to share Earth’s message, and John intends to help others listen to Earth’s thoughts and think about what can humans do to do what humans need to do in order to survive.  Earth believes that survival is compatible with going to other planets and coming back, and that the attempt to go to other planets and come back will help humans to survive.  Earth is aware that there is no need for Earth to say the same message over and over, except for the fact that many humans do not want to hear this message, and it helps humans remember what is fundamentally important with the message.   For that reason, Earth repeats itself so that those who have not heard this message before will remember what is fundamental about the message.  Earth believes that what it has said now is sufficient, and Earth will plan to speak again in the future.

Oct. 27, 2017 Earth’s response — what should we do?

Earth responded to my thoughts on what humans should do for long-term survival (which I posted at the tab “What should we do?”).  Here is Earth’s response:

“Earth is speaking.  Earth believes that John has been trying to help others understand what is necessary for humans to act in a way that works for human survival.  Earth understands that survival means not staying at humans’ current level.  Humans must continue to advance.  Earth believes that fusion power is the way for humans to continue advancing in a way that will allow humans to go to other planets and come back.  Earth believes that not reaching for fusion power means giving up the potential of going to other planets and coming back.  Earth believes that this is something that is fundamentally important.  Earth hopes that humans will take this seriously.  Earth needs humans to consider the consequence of not going to other planets. Earth knows that if humans do not go to other planets, and humans do not continue progressing with technology, humans will move backward.  Their ability to live as they are now living will decrease, and humans will reduce in population at a lower level of technology. Earth hopes that humans understand, this will be a catastrophe, for Earth and for humans.  Earth hopes that humans are able to continue working together.  Earth knows that there are a number of humans who are concerned about the situation and motivated to act to make things better.  Earth understands that if humans are able to do this, they will be able to overcome what is going to happen in the next four or five years.  Earth believes this is necessary to ensure that humans who are motivated to work together are able to make decisions for humanity.  Earth wants this to happen, but Earth does not believe this is inevitable.  Earth knows there is a real possibility that humans will not succeed in working together to advance technologically and go to other planets.  Earth knows that this means there is a very real possibility of human self-destruction.  Earth wants to avoid this.  Earth hopes that humans will continue thinking about what is necessary about what is necessary for humans to progress technologically and go to other planets and come back.  This is all that Earth will say.”

How I met Earth, and what it said to me

Earth first talked to me back in early May (2017).   I had started reading the book “Inside Planets,” which suggested that the planets are living spiritual forces.  At the time I was between jobs in Stowe, Vermont, with a lot of time to wander around the hills by myself, noticing the Sun and the Moon when weather permitted.

There was an arched foot bridge where I liked to go and soak in the cleansing energy of the rushing water, from the snow melting on the nearby mountains.  And one sunny afternoon, when I on the bridge, focusing on the sky and on the energy of the rushing water, I felt a… presence.  And then words formed in my mind: “Earth is talking.” It told me to focus on the positions of the Sun and Moon relative to Earth.  I asked Earth what I should call it, and it said that Earth was acceptable.  That’s all.

A couple days later, I was back on the bridge and asked Earth what it wanted, and it said it wanted humans to go to other planets and come back. It said that it had changed after humans went to the Moon and came back, but didn’t give details.

On July 6, I was at a truck stop in Nampa, Idaho. I observed the Moon up in the sky at sunset, and felt a sense of connection with Earth, but didn’t try to say anything, because I didn’t want to be presumptuous.

On July 8, Earth talked to me for the third time.  It told me that I should have talked to it two days earlier, when I felt the sense of connection.  Earth said it was going to destroy many people, because people were destroying Earth’s outer layers. I replied that humans wouldn’t destroy Earth if we properly used available technology, but we didn’t have the political organization to do that. Earth said that it thought that a better way to say things was that human culture was out of harmony with Earth, so Earth would have to eliminate many people and the survivors would hopefully create a culture that was in harmony with Earth. Earth said that it would help me and I would help it. I asked what it wanted and Earth said it wanted me to tell other people what it told me. Earth said that it wouldn’t be a problem for it if people ridiculed me. Perhaps that was meant to be reassuring.

The next day I was at a truck stop in Indiana, coming back from Buffalo. Earth talked to me again. It said that it would be good if I went back to Costa Rica  (where I had attended an astrology conference just after Earth first talked to me), because I would be safe from the upcoming destruction, which will happen within the next 50 months, through volcanoes and earthquakes. Earth also said that Utah (another place that I am attracted to) will be safe; Earth said it would never destroy the Mormons because they understand production.

Over the next few days, I asked Earth about whether various places would or would not be destroyed.  Earth said, “California will be completely destroyed, and whatever is left will be there for others to use for their own advantage.”   It said that Mount St. Helens will erupt, much stronger than last time, but this isn’t because of Earth’s intention, but rather as a side effect of other things that Earth is doing. It said that Mount Rainier was unlikely to erupt.   Earth said that the Yellowstone super-volcano will erupt and cover the Midwest with ash, which will cause a global food crisis.  Earth said that Switzerland is not a target, but it might be affected by destruction in neighboring Italy and France.  Germany is not a target.  Portugal will be destroyed because of all the geological activity, although it is not a target. Kenya and more generally Africa will not be destroyed; but the Middle East will be destroyed. Earth says that England is perhaps not worth saving, but it will not be destroyed because it is geologically stable. Scotland will likewise not be destroyed. Earth said that Bali will be destroyed, but there is a religious group there that will be saved.  The coast cities in the southern part of Australia will not be destroyed; Australia in general is not a target. I asked Earth if sea levels would rise, and it said no. In response to my question about the polar ice caps, Earth said that ice in the oceans will keep melting, but ice on land will get thicker. Earth is very much aware of human concerns about global warming, but it said: “Earth wants John to be very clear that global warming is not a threat to the Earth. This is a human fabrication.”   Earth has already begun the activity that will result in a series of cataclysms around the globe, which will BEGIN to unfold within 50 months.   It said that the volcanoes and earthquakes will reduce the human population to around 3 billion, and then the population will likely continue to decline unless the survivors reorganize society appropriately.  (More recently, on Sept. 11, Earth said that Colombia is not a target, and South America in general will not be affected.   Then Earth said, “India will not survive. The population exceeds what is able to be supported. There is much of value in Hindu culture, which will survive elsewhere, and in portions of India that are not destroyed.” Earth also said, “China is not a target.”

On July 16, in answer to someone else’s question, Earth said, “Earth first talked to John because John was thinking of talking to Earth. Then Earth found that John had a way of thinking that worked well with what Earth thinks is necessary for humans.”  On July 19, Earth said, Earth said, “Earth needs John to look at other people and tell them that China needs to lead humans to other planets.”  Later, Earth said that China has some serious problems with pollution.

On July 18, as I walked around a parking lot in Salt Lake City, the Sun was shining through the clouds as sprinkles of a passing shower fell. I heard, “Moon. Moon.” Moon said, “Moon is not Earth.” It said that it wanted me to try to talk to it each day, like I talked to Earth. It said that it wanted humans to come back to the Moon. That’s all it said.

On July 21, following up on somebody else’s question, I asked Earth about its  earlier reference to the Mormons understanding production.   I typed Earth’s answer word-for-word as it spoke in my mind: “Earth would like John to tell people that the idea of production means the organization of a group of humans that includes a good deal of time making things that are useful for survival and healthy living.   Earth wants John to be able to share his ideas about production, because Earth understands that human social organization affects whether individuals in a society have the ability to participate in productive effort. This idea is new to Earth. However, Earth recognizes the Mormons as a group that, throughout their history, has been able to encourage productive effort by the members of the group.”

On July 24, I was staying at a hotel in central Iowa, because my trainer’s truck broke down.  So I went to the next-door movie theater and watched the new movie Dunkirk — and discovered that Earth was watching it with (“through?”) me. I told Earth that the movie was based on a historical moment in a great war. I felt its waves of sadness as first a ship was hit by bombs, and then another ship was hit by a torpedo, with the wreckage of both ships sinking into the sea.  Earth sadly said, “humans killing humans, and destroying the Earth.”

After the movie Earth gave me a brief, clear summary of what it told me during the movie, and I typed it word for word: “Earth has linked closely with John. Earth has never linked closely with a human like this. Humans who worship Earth do not have a clear understanding of what Earth is, and they do not clearly understand why humans fight each other. Earth decided to link with John because Earth believes that John’s motivations and outlook closely match Earth’s intention for humans and for the resolution of the relationship between humans and Earth. This is all that Earth will say for now.”

A couple weeks later, Earth told me that it was losing its ability to sense things “outside” because the forests were being destroyed.   A day or two after that, on August 11, I was driving through Minnesota, with the Sun shining in a sky full of puffy clouds, and I thought of Earth’s message about its diminishing ability to perceive, because of the ongoing destruction of the forests. Then Earth started talking to me again, and I asked it whether there are other issues besides the forests. Earth said  there were three things it wanted to say:

First of all, the oceans needed to be kept clean, because the animals in the oceans enable Earth to perceive what is going on in the oceans (as opposed to on and under land, where Earth perceives easily). Secondly, the atmosphere is filling with “particles” [the word Earth used], which make it more difficult to perceive/receive information from “outside.” Finally, Earth urged me again to tell people that Earth has chosen me as its messenger.

And a couple days later I realized that I would actually get “home time” in Seattle on the days surrounding the eclipse on August 18.  After I made plans with my father to drive to central Oregon to see the total eclipse, Earth and Moon planned to speak through me during the eclipse and have me record it.  And that’s the origin of this website.

Message from Earth, Sept. 6, 2017

Earth spoke to me today and I recorded the message again.  Here is a transcript:

“Earth is speaking.   Earth has asked John Human to record another message from Earth.  Earth believes that John Human does not know what Earth is about to say.  Earth suspects that John Human has no idea what has been the result of what John Human has already done.  Earth understands that several hundred people have already been talking about John’s message.  Earth believes that, for this reason, people are interested and want to know more about what Earth has to say.

“Earth will explain some details about what Earth hopes human can begin to do to help create the possibility of a civilization that can co-exist with Earth and perform what humans are here to do. Earth understands that when humans have a major crisis, they have a tendency to think creatively about collective security in a way that they do not when they feel safe.  Now we are facing such a crisis, but humans do not have a clear sense of urgency.  For this reason, Earth believes that a catastrophe will have an effect that will bring humans into contact with each other, who have the inclination to solve the problems that face human civilization.  Earth wants humans to work together collectively to begin to reach to other planets.  This will result in the ability of humans to solve problems here on Planet Earth.  Humans must work together.  Earth has a limited understanding of human social organization, but Earth understands that humans are divided into separate countries that sometimes have violent disagreements.  Earth understands that, for humans to survive, the tendency toward violent disagreements must be reduced.

“Earth hopes that humans with the knowledge of what is happening will begin to influence humans who are in positions of leadership.  This is what Earth requires.  Earth asks humans who are interested in cooperating with Earth to begin to think carefully about what political [initiatives] must be done to ensure that humans can live in harmonious balance with the surrounding environment and also work cooperatively to reach other planets.  This is all that Earth will say now.“

I [John] will share one thought on what should be done:

  • President Trump should be encouraged to negotiate with Russia, China and North Korea to step back from the brink of nuclear confrontation. We have been in a continuing state of war with North Korea since the 1950s, and North Korea has repeatedly requested negotiations for a peace treaty.  As Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin said, “It is with your bitter enemy that you make peace.”

Message from Earth and Moon at the total eclipse in August 2017

On the morning of the eclipse, I got up at 4 in the morning and  drove with my father from Seattle to the ghost town of Shaniko, Oregon, just within the area where the total eclipse was visible.  Just after the total eclipse, Earth and Moon spoke to me, and I recorded their words as they came into my mind.  I made a recording, which I’m willing to share; just ask.  Here is a transcript of their words:

“Earth is speaking to John.  Earth believes that there are people listening.  The eclipse was just total.  Earth and Moon are together now.  Earth will speak and Moon will speak.  Earth understands that John did not seek to become Earth’s messenger.  Earth believes that John is reluctant to do what John is expected to do, and which John has accepted.  Earth understands that for John to say Earth’s message will result in many people not believing John.  Earth understands that John is willing to do this.  Earth will say its message very clearly.  Earth will destroy billions of people.  Billions of people will die because of what Earth will do within 49 months.   Earth told John one month ago, that Earth would do this within 50 months.  Now it is 49 months.  Earth intends to ensure that one half of the population of Earth is destroyed.  Earth does not want to do this.  Earth realizes that, if Earth does not do this, there is a strong likelihood that the entire population of humans on the planet Earth will be destroyed.  Earth understands that Moon experienced this happening on another planet long ago.  Earth understands that Earth has the ability to help humans not destroy themselves.  Earth intends to act in this way with that motivation.  Earth has been urged by a group of humans not to do this, and this caused Earth to delay.  Earth had been intending to do this in the year 2012, but Earth decided to delay because of organizations that worked together, ensuring that they had the ability to bring a new awareness to humans.  Earth does not doubt that they have this ability, but Earth does not believe that they have enough time.  Earth is losing its abilities.  Earth must act to save the forests.  Earth must do this without delay.  Earth is going to do this with the help of people who accept Earth’s mission, and with the help of people who intend to share the nature of the mission with others.  This is going to be a difficult task before the destruction, because Earth understands most people will not want to listen.  However, Earth believes that, because this is beginning in earnest, Earth believes that this mission has a chance to succeed.  Earth hopes that humans who are listening to this will take the words seriously, and begin to consider what is necessary for humans to work together to go to other planets and come back.  This is what Earth intends for humans to be able to do.  Humans must be able to go to other planets and come back, in order for Earth to help humans participate in what humans are capable of doing.  However, if Earth is not able to do this, humans will not be able to leave the planet Earth.  Humans will not be able to continue on their current level of civilization.  Humans will descend to a group with a low population and a low level of technology.  This will be a failure for Earth.  Earth understands that Moon was with a planet spirit who failed in the past.   Moon will help Earth as Earth loses its ability to detect information from outside Earth.  Earth will be able to regain its ability when the forests are grown back. Earth also needs for the atmosphere to be cleaned.  This assists Earth in getting information from outside.  If the atmosphere is not clean, this blocks Earth’s information partially.  Earth needs to watch what is happening in the oceans.  The animals in the oceans help Earth sense what is in the ocean.  The animals are slowly disappearing from the oceans.  Earth’s ability to sense what is in the ocean is diminishing.  Earth hopes that humans who hear this message will begin to work with humans who are not aware of this message, and begin to work in a way that allows Earth to take care of what is necessary to help humans and to help the outer layers of Earth, so that Earth can protect itself while helping humans.  This is all that Earth will say now.”

“Moon will speak now.  Moon is with Earth.  Moon has already explained that Moon came to help Earth.  Moon understands that Earth and Moon together will be able to help ensure that humans do not destroy their civilization and destroy Earth’s capability of helping humans go to other planets and come back.  Moon understands that, because Earth and Moon are not able to act without the help of humans, that a messenger has to be chosen.  Moon understands that Earth has chosen John human as the messenger.  Moon understands that John human does not want to do this, but Moon understands that John is willing to do this.  Moon understands that John will help Earth and Moon as their messenger, and Moon believes that Earth intends to use John as a messenger, communicating with others who are inclined to listen to Earth’s message.  This is all that Moon will say right now.”


Message from Moon at the total eclipse in August 2017

Toward the beginning of the eclipse, Moon spoke to me.   Then Moon spoke again, saying much the same thing, about ten minutes before the total eclipse.   I spoke Moon’s words into my phone recorder as they appeared in my mind.   I have a video recording of the following.  If you would like a copy of this actual record of what Moon said, please contact me and I will send it to you.   Here is a transcript of what Moon said:

Moon is talking again.  Moon understands that there are people with John as Moon speaks to John.  Moon will repeat briefly what Moon said before.  Moon came to the Moon 13,000 years ago.  Moon’s purpose was to help Earth help humans to develop, so humans may travel to other planets and come back.

Moon, before coming to the Moon, was the spirit of a satellite of a planet with a race of beings that had the opportunity to develop.  The planet had a spirit with the responsibility to help these beings develop.  These beings developed sufficiently to be able to destroy the planet.  Moon did not succeed in helping the spirit associated with the planet to help the beings.  However, Moon had the experience, and has the knowledge to identify important ideas that need to be encouraged and discouraged among the people of the planet, in order for the people of the planet to develop as a collective organism.  Moon intends to help.  Earth needs Moon’s help because Earth is losing its ability to sense.

Earth is losing its ability to sense because the forests are being destroyed, and the atmosphere is being filled with particles that block information from outside.  Moon is able to sense clearly, and Earth is now accepting Moon’s assistance.  Moon intends to have John Human be a communicator for Moon, and Moon understands that Earth intends for John Human to do the same thing.  Moon believes that Moon and Earth will communicate with humans as needed in the near future to help more humans accept what is necessary for humans to develop and not exterminate themselves.  This is all that Moon will say now.