Nov. 5, 2017: Moon talks about Moon’s relationship to Earth, about China and the USA, and about aliens living under the surface of the Moon

(I recorded this message yesterday afternoon, as I walked up a ravine near Reno, Nevada.)

Moon is speaking.  Moon is with John Human.  Moon understands that Earth has just given a message, talking about how Earth came to Earth.  Moon believes that some people who hear and read this message will already know that Moon came to the Moon to help Earth.  Moon was…attached, merged… with the moon of another planet, far away, long ago.  There was a group of human-like beings on the planet.  There was a spirit, merged with the planet, trying to help these human-like beings achieve the ability to leave their planet and travel to other planets.

This effort failed.  Moon believes that, because of Moon’s experience in trying to help the spirit who was unable to help the human-like beings, Moon may be able to help Earth help humans go to other planets and come back.  Moon remembers the consequences of the failure.  The human-like beings ended up losing their ability to maintain advanced technology.  They fought among themselves and did not have enough resources to continue living as they had been living.  Moon imagines that renmants of this society of human-like beings are still on the planet, living at a very low level.   This is the likely future for humans on Earth, unless humans learn to cooperate under Earth’s guidance, with Moon’s assistance.

Moon will speak about how Moon came to the Moon.  After the failure of the previous effort to bring out the human-like beings into the community of beings, Moon was not inclined to try again.  However, Moon was persuaded, because it was remembered that Moon had given specific advice at specific moments, that was not followed by the sprit who was in charge of helping the human-like beings; Moon imagines that if Moon’s advice had been heeded, there would have been success instead of failure.  However, Moon cannot be sure.  Moon believes that Moon has a clear understanding of the challenges faced by a spirit, and by the beings themselves, as the spirit attempts to establish cooperation with the beings, to enable them to begin leaving their own planet.

Moon wants Earth to be able to think clearly about the situation among humans.  Moon understands that Earth is losing its abilities to sense what is happening among humans and to sense what is happening on and around Earth, because of human activity that is damaging the Earth.

Moon would like to have a clear understanding that Moon is not making decisions.  Moon is only helping Earth.  Moon can see clearly, where Earth cannot.  Moon has the ability to understand the motives of humans.  Earth’s ability to do this is limited now, and Earth depends on Moon to help Earth clearly assess what humans intend when humans communicate with Earth.

For this reason, Earth is reluctant to communicate directly with humans, until Moon has assessed their intentions.  Moon intends to do this.  Moon understands that Earth has been inclined to focus on China as the nation on the planet Earth that is most advanced ability to focus politically on moving away from Earth and returning.  Moon understands that China has a plan to go back to the Moon, for humans to go back to the Moon.  Earth is inclined to encourage China to do this, but Earth is aware of the serious pollution problems in China that are harming Earth, especially in Earth’s ability to communicate clearly with humans.

Earth also understands that China has been a victim in the past, of aggression from other countries, and this is a big part why China must act as it does to develop economically.  Earth believes that the leadership of China is clearly aware of this problem, and Moon understands that Earth seeks cooperation with the leadership of China as China continues to emerge as a well-respected country in the world.


Moon understands that the issues between different countries on Planet Earth are complicated, and are beyond the clear understanding of Earth and Moon.  For this reason, Earth and Moon must depend on humans to help explain what is happening and why.  Then, as Earth and Moon establish communication with leaders in different countries, Earth and Moon will have a clearer sense of what is happening and what is the background of the thinking and motivations of various leaders.  Moon intends to help Earth do this as time goes by, and Moon understands that, as it becomes known that some leaders are inclined to consider Earth’s message, other leaders will become more interested in communicating with Earth.  At that time, Moon will once again be involved in assessing the motivations of the leaders of the countries in question.

Moon believes that Moon cannot explain clearly what its intention is without giving some background regarding Moon’s interaction with humans.  Moon came to the Moon 13,000 years ago.  Moon was finally persuaded to do this.  Moon knew that this would be a risky assignment, that failure again was a significant possibility.  Moon wanted to avoid this risk, but Moon also knew that, because of Moon’s experience, there was a greater chance of success this time, so Moon accepted the assignment and merged with the Moon, with the physical Moon.

Moon is aware that there are aliens living on the Moon.  The aliens have been under the surface of the Moon for several thousand years.  Moon is aware that leaders in the United States are also aware of this.  Moon’s understanding is that the  destruction of the alien city at the South Pole of the Moon — if Moon understands North and South correctly — was not an accident.  Moon understands that there were those involved in the planning of the American mission to send a spacecraft into a crater at the Moon’s pole; there was an understanding that there was a city there that would be harmed.  Moon does not have a clear idea whether those involved in that decision are still in power today.  Moon does not know if that decision was made at the highest level of power in the United States.

However, Moon is aware that the aliens just beneath the surface of the Moon have been greatly harmed, and Moon believes that this is something that must be known and must be accounted for.  Moon hopes that it is possible to repair the harm that has been done, and Moon hopes that citizens in the United States will ask questions involving who made what decision regarding that mission to the Moon.  Moon wanted to be clear that Moon is not trying to punish.  Moon is trying to get leaders of the Earth to cooperate with Earth.  This is Moon’s function.   However, regarding things that happen on the Moon, this is an issue where Moon must speak.  This is all that Moon will say now.